Burr’s Garage Project, Tongue



Burr’s Garage Project, Tongue

  • This project seeks to renew and re-purpose Burr’s Stores, a historic general store, as a vibrant village hub and tourist destination; a community-focused place of gathering for locals and new visitors alike.
This project seeks to renew and re-purpose Burr’s Stores, a historic general store, as a vibrant village hub and tourist destination; a community-focused place of gathering for locals and new visitors alike.

The site is located to the north of the village Tongue along the NC500 and lies some 250m from the shores of the Kyle of Tongue providing a stunning as well as challenging coastal setting.

The exposure of the site to the harsh conditions is one of the key challenges. The proposed landscape layout takes cognisance the designed landscape of Tongue House and the ways locals have used planting and topography to create shelter. New and existing buildings work with the landscape to create sheltered courtyards and sunken gardens, historic woodlands are strengthened, views to Kyle carefully framed.

The landscape vision reinforces the qualities of the National Scenic Area:
• Create views to the ever-present backdrop of mountains
• Retain the link from inhabited coast to a wild, moorland
• Provide spaces and views of different scale, from domestic to monumental
• Works with the constantly changing character of the Kyle
• Be inspired by the rich variety of coastal scenery
• Tie in with distinct pattern of settlement

Blue & Green Infrastructure, Community & Placemaking, History & Heritage
Ben loyal Ltd for Wildland
Helen Lucas Architects