Juniper Green Village Hall Community Garden

  • With the old janitor house demolished it created space for a community garden beside the Village Hall in Juniper Green, Edinburgh. A simple space was created that allows residents, pupils from the primary across the road and residents from the newly built elderly housing to meet and gather. When approaching the garden from the main road the ‘JG’ feature is already visible, creating an identity for the new site. It can also be used for seating and playing.
With the old janitor house demolished it created space for a community garden beside the Village Hall in Juniper Green, Edinburgh. A simple space was created that allows residents, pupils from the primary across the road and residents from the newly built elderly housing to meet and gather. When approaching the garden from the main road the ‘JG’ feature is already visible, creating an identity for the new site. It can also be used for seating and playing.
Community & Placemaking, Gardens, Older People & Dementia
Juniper Green Village Hall Organisation
Completed May 2014

Juniper Green Village Hall Community Garden

