Lyneburn Masterplan, Dunfermline



Lyneburn Masterplan, Dunfermline

  • UrbanPioneers developed a masterplan for the Rex and Lyneburn Park within the Lyneburn Corridor in Dunfermline based on the community consultation undertaken by Greenspace Scotland. They were appointed by Zero Waste Scotland to prepare proposals and initiate a pilot project for their “Tackling Litter and building communities through re-purposing greenspaces programme”.
UrbanPioneers developed a masterplan for the Rex and Lyneburn Park within the Lyneburn Corridor in Dunfermline based on the community consultation undertaken by Greenspace Scotland. They were appointed by Zero Waste Scotland to prepare proposals and initiate a pilot project for their “Tackling Litter and building communities through re-purposing greenspaces programme”.

Following the award of SEPA-funding, Fife Council investigated the re-naturalisation of the Lyne Burn. Landscape proposals for the Lyneburn Corridor focus on the following aspects:

  • Activities to cater for all ages & abilities
  • Improved physical & visual connections to attract more users
  • Structural green infrastructure to define spaces & create hierarchy
  • Long grass management to increase habitat & reduce maintenance
  • Improvement of comfortable & safe walking & cycling routes
  • Improve signage and interpretation

In order to attract and cater for a wide range of users, the proposals offer different spaces and characters within the park. Places for activities will be created at regular intervals along the corridor offering spaces of interest and to linger at different points of the journey as well as activating the whole corridor.

The current vast greenspace lacks interest, variety and shelter. Additional tree planting will accentuate main and secondary paths, create sheltered sub-spaces as well as offer all year points of interest, e.g. orchard, trees with special autumn colour or fruit. The seeding of different long grasses and wildflower areas will add to the creation of sub-spaces with different character, provide habitat for wildlife and at the same time reduce maintenance and increase biodiversity within the corridor.

Blue & Green Infrastructure, Community & Placemaking, Education & Play, Masterplans/ Local Place Plans, Older People & Dementia
Fife Council
Concept Design Oct '16